Important: our prices are changing

We never tire of telling you: pampering you is and will remain our main mission. With this in mind, we have been striving for years to find products of incomparable quality, combining low prices with ethical and eco-responsible manufacturing. Our guarantee of excellence is our trademark and our pride. No matter what happens, we will not turn away.

Unfortunately, for various reasons completely beyond our control, the production prices of the textiles, accessories and packaging that we offer you have risen in recent months. We want to offer you the best, the must, the crème de la crème: the quality of our pieces remains unchanged, so we are forced to pass on this increase in one way or another. At the same time, our Print on Demand service is becoming increasingly efficient and responsive, and this has a cost. As a result, as of 15 August, you will notice a change in the prices of the items offered on our platform. Let's take a look at the details and reasons for this inflation and how you as an e-tailer can deal with it.

A complicated overall situation

We are all living in a highly complex situation since the arrival of the pandemic in 2020. In addition to its strong impact on our daily lives, it is important to know that the pandemic has influenced many - if not all - of the production stages of the parts we offer in our catalogue.

First of all, cotton is one of the raw materials that has been deeply impacted by the health crisis. Between April 2020 and March 2021, its price increased by no less than 84% according to a study conducted by MarketInsider. An impressive inflation that was simply forced to influence the prices proposed by our suppliers and, by extension, those we propose in our catalogue. This increase can be explained by several good reasons: the slowdown in global transport, complicated weather conditions in the producing countries but also shortages due to the mass purchase of raw materials.

The same situation applies to inks, on which we are obviously highly dependent as a player in the POD sector: many manufacturers have been forced to adjust their prices in response to the increased demand for components such as pigments and vegetable oils. The transport issue is similar to that of cotton; in a report from early 2021, theEuropean Printing Ink Association (EuPia) gives the striking example of the price of containers between China and Europe, which has increased by 400% in the last year.

Finally, the paper and cardboard sector, through which we make our packaging, has not escaped the repercussions of the health crisis either. According to RFI, the price of paper pulp is said to have risen by 10-20% in Europe between mid-2020 and early 2021; in China, the situation is even worse, with the price doubling. The rise in demand for paper, especially wrapping paper, is directly to blame - home deliveries have been a resounding success in an era of containment.

TPOP, an efficient AND dedicated team

In recent months, our business has expanded significantly. To tell you the truth, it turns out that we have doubled our output in just one year!

All this is thanks to you, our loyal T-Partners.

As you already know, our customer service department is particularly responsive and attentive to your needs, and our production team has proven its performance and efficiency.

We have even gone so far as to beat our average production time record by manufacturing and shipping your orders in just 2 days. Between the need to maintain our dynamic pace of work and to respond to the growth of our clientele and therefore the number of orders, we have updated our printing techniques, which are increasingly at the cutting edge of technology, and we have welcomed a number of new collaborators into our ranks.

All this without any impact on the price of our products and services: we always work to offer you a service of incomparable quality, believe it or not.

The change in our tariffs

Depending on the article, the price increase will vary: not all of them require the same raw materials for manufacturing, the same packaging and so on. From 15 August, you will therefore be able to witness an increase of 5 to 15% in the prices of some of the products in our catalogue. Don't worry: you will still be able to make a nice margin on your items.

If you are afraid of feeling the effects of this small inflation, you may be able to increase the prices in your catalogue, simply by explaining to your customers the arguments we mentioned above: the situation is global, they will understand with certainty this inevitable increase.

How can I change the prices of my products?

Our application allows you to adjust the price of your item when you create it; we therefore advise you to use the platform on which your shop is hosted, be it Shopify, Etsy or WooCommerce, to modify the price of your products.

  • Changing prices on Etsy

Etsy offers a very classic way to change the prices of your items; first of all, log into your space, then click on Shop Manager and finally Product Details. Once you've selected the product you want, click on the thumbnail of the product or click on the Edit option in the gear menu, and change the price of your product on the fly.

  • Changing prices on Shopify

Shopify offers two very useful options for making changes to your product prices.

First, the classic way: from the Shopify admin interface, click on the Products link and then go to the All Products page. Then go to the product page of the product you want to change the price of, enter the new price for the item and save.

Another clever feature Shopify has to offer is a bulk price editing tool, so you don't have to do a lot of fiddling. To take advantage of this, log in to your Shopify admin interface and click on Products. Then select the products you want to bulk edit by checking the boxes to the left of your product thumbnails and click Edit Products. You'll be taken to the Bulk Editor page, similar to a spreadsheet, where you can simply change a box in the price column of your products to see them bulk edit.

  • Changing prices on WooCommerce

To make a change to a price on your Woocommerce shop, nothing could be simpler: log in to your interface, click on Products, select the name of the product you want and then change its regular price in the Product data category of the page.

Since the time when we maintained a certain stability in our tariffs, it seemed inevitable that one day they would end up increasing, given the current health context and the overall increases in all sectors of activity.

We are proud to be able to offer you a very good price/quality ratio, allowing you to benefit from interesting margins, while offering the best to your customers.

We remind you that these changes will take effect on Sunday 15 August; you are warned in advance to give you time to prepare a possible price change in your catalogue.

Good sales, T-Partners!