Delivery in Europe and the REST OF THE WORLD...


We are proud to inform you that we have just completed the implementation of the worldwide delivery.

Our print on demand app now works with 3 delivery zones:

France - Europe - Rest of the world

Concerning France, the shipment is always done with an order tracking: your customer will systematically receive his tracking in the shipment confirmation email (sent automatically, for reminder).

Concerning Europe and the Rest of the World (that's very classy RESTE DU MONDE, don't you think?) you have the choice in your panel, within the application to validate or not the tracking of parcels: by default we ship without tracking, it's the cheapest shipping method. You just have to check the box to have the shipments with tracking.

You can find all delivery rates here.

A little gif anyway, because international is something to celebrate.

Otherwise, we love you, it's important to remind you of that.